Property Investments Across The Real Estate Spectrum

The Naissance real estate experts have a track record executing deals in core asset classes such as office, industrial, multifamily and retail. Our approach encompasses a continual market screening discipline, which enables us to identify key markets and their positive and negative fundamentals including rent growth potential and asset class volatility. We review the macro and microeconomics of the opportunity and assess the economic entry point and pricing in the specific market.

Club Deal Objectives

Reduce Uncertainties

The primary objective of a Club Deal is to reduce the uncertainties typically associated with a fund structure but still benefit from an experienced investment manager.


A Club Deal has a pre-identified property, with a specific plan of property operation, and, the knowledge that the other partners participating share the same objectives.


A Club Deal typically provides more transparency and control than a fund. We understand the importance of transparency, therefore, in each and every one of our transactions, transparency holds presendence.

Due Diligence

Each one of our deals undergoes a rigorous due diligence process. Due diligence is the key component of the entire investment process. It involves the same extensive, bottom-up evaluation process for every opportunity we review.
Where Others See A Gap, We See An Opportunity

Club Deals Investment and Strategy

Technological advancements in our world today require real estate assets to provide new solutions and flexibly. This is evidenced across all asset classes. For instance, office space tenants require less storage and more flexibility giving rise to service offices and data centres. Retail and grocery stores require smaller units and larger logistical capabilities to deliver to their clients in hours. The list is endless…and, this is precisely why our core focus is within the alternatives and newly emerging sectors such as student accommodation, service office space, and service apartments blocks, retail warehousing and logistics. Each investment opportunity is unique as it fits within differentiated investment themes.

Each one of our deals undergoes a rigorous due diligence process. Due diligence is the key component of the entire investment process. It involves the same extensive, bottom-up evaluation process for every opportunity we review.

Our financial expertise involves a comprehensive review of the cash-flow valuation and forecasts, scenario analysis, property and investment-level sensitivities. We examine a broad range of features inherent to a potential investment, including review of property financial documents, financial models and outputs, property condition and environmental reports, tenancy and lease documents.

Depending on the sourcing of an investment, complexity of the transaction, and whether the execution of the investment strategy includes a significant renovation and repositioning, we may partner with external asset managers and operators in the marketplace.

Whether you require structuring support or asset management, we will help you improve the decision making process through the investment life cycle.